Veskor Cassiopeia is an artist who specializes in handmade linoleum printing in the field of transcendental, sacred geometric art and nature illustrations.
From his early youth, the artist spends a lot of time in nature and is drawn to spirituality. These inclinations contribute to his transcendent worldview. During these formative years, Veskor also develops his love for art, especially Sacred Geometry.
He decides to learn a profession in which he can be creative, so he trains in the craft sector. Here he has the opportunity to experience that his sense of form and color is extraordinary. His customers are thrilled. This spurs him on to expand his creative horizons even further.
Finally, Veskor takes the plunge into self-employment. New opportunities arise. After much trial and error, private projects and joining a community studio, Veskor finally finds his hobbyhorse, linoleum printing, in March 2020.
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