FICA editions is a creation from FICA Oficina Criativa, a dedicated team focused on manual crafts. Our production, mostly handmade, takes place in our small workshop in Lisbon, where we specialize in combining screen printing and ceramics.
Over the past years, we’ve been experimenting and specializing in screen printing on ceramics, discovering numerous ways to explore these techniques together.
It’s a path with many directions. From the beginning, we enthusiastically discovered the possibility of printing on ceramic at various stages of the clay, using different types of coatings, resulting in diverse aesthetics.
Ceramics play a significant role in the process, requiring the clay to progress naturally and carefully through its several stages. Respecting the timing inherent to ceramics is an essential part of the process, to ensure we achieve the final stage.
Screen printing must adapt and adjust. As the substrate, clay requires compatible coatings that withstand the firing process. This technique demands a great deal of patience, precision, and careful timing to achieve the desired results.
In our main collection, Screen-Printed Tiles, the process starts at the plastic stage of ceramics, with each tile being made individually. Once the tiles are formed, the clay can be printed at various stages depending on the coating used, which may require careful timing.
Each edition is hand-pulled in our workshop, where designs are applied directly onto the clay. The process involves printing one color at a time, with each unit being manually pulled by hand.
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