Emily Hancock is a printmaker based in West Yorkshire, UK. She makes linocut prints celebrating nature, adventure and diversity. Her journey into linocut began a few years ago, when she moved from the city to a rural village. She discovered linocut accidentally – the tangible, handmade element grounded her, whilst she explored the nature on her doorstep, without the distractions of city life. She finds carving lino a very calming and relaxing part of the process and the first inking of the block and pulling the first print are exciting every time!
Emily has family roots in India and has spent significant time exploring this beautiful country, as well as other parts of South Asia, with her backpack. During her travels, the most memorable experiences involved the people she met along the way. Learning about diverse people and cultures has always revitalised and inspired her and it felt natural to incorporate these feelings and experiences into her art.
Emily’s work explores the human relationship with nature and the beauty of diverse people, cultures and landscapes. She hopes to create art that brings about feelings of adventure and serenity and celebrates the cultural diversity of our planet and the relationship we have with nature.
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