Hi, I’m Jessica, owner and director of Birds & Words UK Ltd. I am based in Bangor, N.Ireland.
I graduated from the University of Ulster in 2004 with a First Class Hons degree in Fine and Applied Art, specialising in Printmaking, and have been an active member of Seacourt Print Workshop since.
I work predominantly with Screen Print and Letterpress.
Printing is in my bones. I was immediately hooked back during early demos at Seacourt as an A Level student, and have practised the art form ever since. There is no better feeling than pulling a print. The element of the unknown and the subtleties in the lay down of ink on paper, are parts of this process that I will never tire of! Printmakers are a complex bunch, but once you know, you know!
I have been increasingly interested in creating work that has a modern, contemporary aesthetic, but using imagery which harks back to a distant era, mainly focused on my home town of Bangor. Primarily interested in the notion of memory and nostalgia, I look to these images for clues of how lives were lived then, in comparison to now. I aim to revive old, nostalgic memories and help to form new, positive ones, closely linked with the regeneration of my home town.
You can read a bit more about me and see some gorgeous process shots over here:
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