

I’m a London based artist, originally from the North West of England. My photography practice incorporates audio and the use of written words. Often quotes from the sitter but more recently information.
My practice looks in social history and the environment. I’ve spent several years documenting the 1984-85 miners strike with the help of arts council funding. My first funded project looked at the men that crossed their picket lines to return to work early when they know all was lost. It marked the 30th anniversary of the strike ending, something I found very important to document as both my grandfather and father were miners based in Yorkshire and Wales at the time of the strike starting. The second round of funded looked at the women of the strike that supported their men for the fight to earn a decent wage. It was presented for international women’s day, the women shared their move from the kitchen to picket line and later a more active life in protesting for other curses. Other projects have looked at todays allotment holders and the Welsh colony in Patagonia, Argentina.
Though I shoot digitally these days, my work is printing with the old technique of photogravure plates, a craft that has been revitalised with the advance of digital technology. Photogravures, or photopolymers as it also know, are created exposing light-sensitive polymer coated metal sheets, plates, and printed transparencies in UV light. The ultraviolet light damages the polymer and an etching like plate is created ready to inked and put through a printing press.

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