My name is Sabine van Rooij, at the moment I’m 32 and I live in Naarden, the Netherlands.
All kinds of printing techniques interest me. This interest actually first started when I was visiting a temporary exposition on M.C. Escher when I was young. He’s been my idol and inspiration for printmaking ever since.
As you will see in my work, its somewhat in one style, but never the same. I always try to do new things and my head is actually always spinning with (too many) new ideas.
Latest Activity
Sabine Schetst posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago
In the past week, I’ve been to the Riso-print studio where I did a workshop to pick up my prints. So happy to see them in person!
Also, I’ve been working on a new lino of one of my greatest idols since I was little. I printed the first and second layer last week and I love the result!