Hey there!
I am a lino and woodblock printer based in Germany. I studied textile arts and crafts in Kyoto (Japan) where I was “accidentally” introduced to Lithography and from there to relief print. I just visited an open class in the print department in my last year at University. I really love the idea of printmaking, being available in different kinds of fields. As you know you can print a linocut or woodblock on a very cheap thin paper and put it up as street art on the walls in your neighborhood, but you also can print on the finest Japanese paper ever and exhibit in a high-end gallery. This makes relief print very approachable for most people and less intimidating. And I am a firm believer that art is for everyone and not for a selected “group”.
Nowadays my printmaking work is mainly inspired by nature, Japanese aesthetics, and other handicrafts like pottery or textile crafts.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. And sorry for my bad English. I am very busy and sleepless these days due to the big move. Thanks again for emailing me I really feel honored.
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