North or Nowt specialise in the designing and printing of gig posters, working with bands such as Drenge, Martha, RVIVR and The Gories amongst many others.
North or Nowt create artist prints and editions and publications from time to time.
North or Nowt mainly work in screen print but have been known to dabble in other print methods such as letterpress.
North or Nowt take influence from found imagery and ephemera from digital and physical archives, opting to appropriate and manipulate instead of adding to an overly saturated world of imagery.
North or Nowt work on self-initiated projects as well as commission based projects with clients and practitioners such as Matt The Horse and Luke Drozd.
North or Nowt don’t do reprints.
North or Nowt can print T-Shirts but only do in extreme circumstances.
North or Nowt want to design posters for your band!
North or Nowt just bloody love printing.
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