Since graduating from Central St Martins with a degree in graphics I have enjoyed a long and successful career as a graphic designer heading up my own studio for over twenty years, but have always had a passion for art and image making. My creative process now spans both disciplines and, alongside my digital work, I also paint abstract landscapes.
My approach to painting echoes the principles of successful graphics – visual storytelling through symmetry, colour, balance, and the spaces in between. I create abstract paintings based on the landscape around me. Painting in oils, I layer and blend various shapes of colours to recreate an emotional response to the starting image of a place I have been.
The digital prints that I create are complimentary to my paintings, at once a reflection of the original piece – and a new perspective on it. After photographing a section of a finished painting, I reimagine the work in Photoshop; blending, blurring and rebalancing to create a run of limited-edition giclée prints.
I work from my own studio in North London and it’s very much a studio of two halves. One side houses the painting and mess area whilst the other half is my digital space. I work on projects concurrently. My paintings inform my print and my prints inspire my paintings. I just wish there was an undo setting on a paintbrush.
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