John started printing in 2015. After working as a graphic designer and illustrator with Aspergers for 20 years, he decided to make a move to working for himself creating entirely new series of prints and homewares.
His first series was a set of linocuts called Winter Drifts. Since then he has created the Sleeping Animals series and the Majestic Animals series.
John also has a lifelong love of the coast and especially Cornwall and has created an ongoing series of prints called Safe Harbour. He has long been inspired by places which are special to him, places which are off the beaten track or which instill the feeling of having discovered somewhere secret. He began to realise that he could create, in print form, representations of these special, secret and safe places in a way which might bring some calm to his life and even perhaps others.
He also works in collaboration with his creative partner and wife, Alice, to print fabrics which are turned into purses and cases.
John enjoys experimenting with mark making and the marks that can be made with block printing. He also enjoys the graphical boldness and overprinting possibilities of screenprinting combined with creating textures for screenprinting by monoprinting ink and scraping it or rollering it.
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