My work is firmly rooted in a specific time and place through the use of unconventional natural material; I have always been a “collector” and that is now mirrored in my artistic practice gathering and cataloging, walking the land, swimming in the sea, these are as vital to my art-making as sketching. I create a visual lexicon of imagery, structures and components inspired
by traditions of ritual practice, folk medicine, and folklore, and then create my own alchemy by transforming the gathered materials into objects of fantasy, mystery, and elemental power. I am particularly interested in the processes of transmutation and change, and I allow the unknown and uncontrollable to determine my aesthetic and functional choices. Research and experimentation are important to my process as I delve into significant and symbolic materials and the natural world around me, and create fabrications that change over the passage of time: decay, grow, or preserve.
I’ve been screenprinting for over 15 years and it continues to be the love of my life. I am drawn to the versatility of the medium and strive to push myself constantly into new areas of experimentation.
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