

I am an independent printmaker, my studio is one of half of my kitchen table, and all my prints are pulled by hand with a trusty wooden spoon.
I started lino printing as a cheap way of making my wedding invitations but from there it developed into a passion. I focus mainly on animals as I am (and always have been) fascinated by wildlife and the natural world. I am most inspired by the wildlife from the countries in which I have lived. I was born in the U.K., grew up in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and now live on the West Coast of Ireland. As such my work features a mixture of temperate and tropical animals. I love Irish and British wildlife, but on cold wet days I find myself returning to my decidedly more tropical youth for inspiration so I can at least fantasise about what it feels like to be warm and dry again.
Recently I have also started dabbling in other types of printmaking, including monotypes and drypoint etching.
Jasmin Day O’Neill

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