During lockdown in 2020 I found myself on furlough which ultimately resulted in redundancy. So I decided to be creative with my time. As a graphic designer I’m always being asked by friends and family to do little projects here and there, comes with the territory I guess, but for years I have wanted to do something for me.
I have always enjoyed doing personal projects in the little bits of spare time I have to keep the creative cogs turning, but now with some furlough time on my hands I had the chance to get stuck into something really meaty, so Printable was born!
For me, doing this project is a joy as it involves all the aspects of design that I have learn’t over the years, brand design, graphic design, web design, illustration, social media marketing, the list goes on, but ultimately it’s resulted in a fledgling online business!
With all the hard work done in getting it up and off the ground it now leaves me with a project to nurture and add too with the little bits of spare time that I have gone back to having.
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