IS Projects is a public-access printmaking and book arts studio in Fort Lauderdale, FL whose mission is to promote innovations and developments to print and book media by providing knowledge, training, and a supportive work space for artists. IS Projects houses a fine art gallery as well as full letterpress and screenprinting studios alongside fine art printmaking and book binding equipment. IS Projects also publishes artists’ books through Existent Books, a semi-annual residency and publishing initiative, supported in part by the Knight Arts Foundation, which brings South Florida-based artists to experience printmaking and create a limited edition artist book collaboratively with the skilled IS Projects team. With a mission focused on building awareness and breaking down barriers to entry in artist book publishing, Existent Books is invested in collaborating with a variety of artists, including those working in different mediums and with limited to no experience in printmaking or book arts. To date, the project has included artists whose primary practice includes printmaking, illustration, painting, sculpture, graphic design, video and performance. IS Projects has published seven artist book editions through the Existent Books program and two editions are scheduled for production in the Summer of 2020.
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