Growing up in Ireland I fell in love with printmaking in my teens and turned that passion into a degree, spending four great years studying many types of print at Limerick School of Art and Design before ultimately settling on relief print as my area of expertise.
I followed my other passion of theatre to London back in 2015 to begin a career as a Scenic Artist for theatre, and have worked in the area for the National Theatre for the past 3 and a half years. After the madness of 2020 hit and I was no longer able to work for months while the world stayed indoors, I turned to print again as an outlet for my creativity and almost as a form of meditation, focusing my mind on the process and keeping my hands busy. As a result I finally did something I had always wanted to do but never seemed to have the time to achieve, I set up my very own Etsy store.
After adapting my flat into a home studio I now get to spend my days creating the art that makes me happy, inspired by music, botany and all things dark and creepy. Not only that, but I get the satisfaction of seeing people buy my work and knowing that it is hanging in their house, filling their lives which just a little more art and inspiration.
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