I live and work near the ocean and every day i walk my dog Polok along beaches. It’s a spot where the water is active, and the tide washes debris onto the shore. over months of long walks, I started to collect objets – lighters, bottle tops, lollipop and cotton bud sticks – which I then would arrange into colourful paintings in my studio. Each walk became a creative moment, over time (8years), I’ve collected over 2 000 lighters, 7 000 bottle tops, 200 fishing gloves, and 2 000 plastic bottles to create the series Walking My Dog and many others.
Althought the form is playful, the substance is unfortunately dramatic ; It’s evidence of the frightful pollution of costs and, on a larger scale, our oceans. Hope those series will raise awareness among young people and they will do at last something about the ocean.
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