Carrie-Anne Channon is a screen printer from Kildare, Ireland based in Cork City Ireland.
Carrie is currently completing her final year studying a degree in Fine Art and Design with Printmaking at The Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork.
She bases her work in the format of posters, zines and print installation.
Carrie Anne’s work is primarily based in screen printing using an array of bright fluorescent colours and pattern. She is drawn towards opposing colour combinations and eye-catching continuous patterns.
Her work is an exploration of Neo-Dadaism absurdist humour and the millennial generation.
The comparison between The Dada Art Movement throughout World War I and the recent surface of nonsensical humour of the current and millennial generations influences the visual production of the work.
As part of the millennial generation the artist takes a first person inside view of the humour present which the work relates around.
Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram form a basis for inspiration of the text used within the work.