I’m a visual artist and printmaker from Ukraine. I graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts and then I used to travel to art residents to explore a different art world and to study the issue of personal identity, how it evolves in different places and surroundings and how they influence each other. Now I have a beautiful family that inspire me to do beautiful things and I start working at my home studio in Kharkiv. I’m working with graphic art, art-books and installations, mainly using printmaking and collage technics, but I really love the experiments with them. Of course, I find the traditional techniques to be very important for making artist’s level up, but I really love to put my skills on experiment and to have fun with it! There is some freedom in this way of art, I’m not making a random artworks, but they’re spontaneous and I find it magical! In this way l get inspired and become really satisfacted with my work.
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