From graphic projects to art, my search is for the handcrafted print patterns like screen printing, stencil and engraving.
When I saw for the first time the letterpress machine, with all
the weight of the cast iron and the smell of paint – I fell in love. The machine chose me, the process became a muse. The antiquity it represents, the surroundings of typography, the handling of analog materials, is all I take to the letterpress.
I print with a brazilian machine, called Catu Minerva, model 487. It is a popular machine of the old brazilian graphic industry. “Catu” in Tupi Guarani means “very good”.
What distinguishes the service of Alma Gráfica Lettepress is that it is done by an artisan, an experience similar to tailoring, the product designed for the customer.
There is an emotional appeal to making a craft material. You are always defined as “handmade”.
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