My name is Aleksandra Pranica and I am a Polish artist currently living in Scotland, UK. I am develop myslef with graphic art with a focus on linocut.
The entire creation process begins with a drawing and an attempt to convey the perfect line. These attempts led me to try the linocut technique, in which I fell in love and I am still developing. For me, linocut creation is a way to express myself, but also a moment to stop and breathe. When I design graphics and carve out them later, time seems to stop in place. This activity allows me to calm down and reach a deep, almost meditative state. This technique is fascinating because I have to confront the result with the project that I come up with in my head. Often then a new quality is created and sometimes I am surprised by what I discover. What I like about linocut is that very limited tools offer great opportunities for use your creativity.
My inspirations reach both the old masters and everything that surrounds me. Recently, he has been fascinated by Japanese art, poster art and matchbox packaging from all over the world!
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